Educated Quest College Insights
Educated Quest is the rare college admissions site that addresses perceptions of “sacred cows” in the college search. These college insights separate fiction from the truth. They help students and parents consider and compare colleges best fit to their interests and needs.
Educated Quest college insights are quite unique to Web sites that offer college admissions advise or college profiles. You will not find these college insights in college rankings books or the guides that you find on the shelves at your nearest bookstore. You will find them only here at Educated Quest.
My college counseling services at Educated Quest give you further insights, personalized to your student’s and your family’s interests and needs. I look forward to having you as a client and sharing my personal insights with you! Have a question or would like to know more about how to consider or compare colleges? Contact me at or call me at 609-406-0062.
Want to know more about me and Educated Quest?
Check out my new book, The Good College!
Listen to my talk, hosted by Dr. Cynthia Colon from Destination YOUniversity on Voice of America Radio!
Find Your Good College! Listen to my talk, What Exactly Is a Good College? hosted by test-prep experts Amy Seeley and Mike Bergin on Tests And The Rest!
February 22, 2022
A liberal arts college with 1,500 students and one of America’s Colleges That Change Lives, Ursinus College is located less than an hour’s drive from Philadelphia. This school takes a unique approach to admissions visits: a twilight tour and information session. The campus shows well in daylight, as you will see […]
February 21, 2022
To comply with a court order, UC Berkeley may need to welcome over 3,000 fewer freshmen and transfer students this fall. My past life was in urban planning and economic development. So, I was curious how this court order came about. It was the outcome of a case brought against […]
February 8, 2022
I recently had a senior accepted to Eckerd College. So I attended a virtual live information session and listened to several YouTubes to learn more about the school. One of the 40 Colleges That Change Lives, Eckerd College has a lot to sell itself. This college makes a nice viewbook, […]
February 1, 2022
I visited the College of Wooster nine years ago as part of a trip to three ‘Ohio Six’ schools. Aside from accidentally locking my keys in my car, I really enjoyed this visit. Located about an hour’s drive from Cleveland, the College of Wooster has just under 2,000 undergrads. Everyone, […]
January 25, 2022
Cold weather and the Omicron variant have forced me back to virtual reviews for a little while. So, I contacted schools that I had visited before to ask if I could write an update. I’m very happy that Denison University was the first school to say yes. I took a […]
January 18, 2022
One of my current senior advisees was just accepted to Colorado State University. I had hoped to come to campus during the summer of 2020, but the pandemic cancelled my plans. However, I’ve learned enough about Colorado State University to share my virtual impressions. I found lots of photos of […]
November 30, 2021
After visiting Brown, I walked only one block and climbed a steep hill to meet with admissions officers at Rhode Island School of Design (RISD). I’ve gathered a few photos of this eclectic campus on Pinterest for you. This visit is partly virtual, partly on campus. RISD has 2,000 undergraduate […]
November 16, 2021
During the last pandemic year I did an interview with Joie Mills, currently a senior at Brown University. Joie gave the most visited student interview I-ve ever had on this site. I can see why. Brown University is everything that she says it is, based on my most recent campus […]
November 9, 2021
I recently put up the third post that I have written about Syracuse University since I started this site ten years ago. I have been complementary about the standout academic offerings as well as the university’s athletic tradition. A comparison to USC is also valid. Both schools share similar academic […]
October 5, 2021
The most important thing that I do as a college admissions advisor is help students make their college lists. I try to recommend schools that should be the best fit academically, financially and socially. Some of these schools get on the final college lists, others don’t. Here’s four that I […]